


國外其實不需要寫自傳,而是寫cover letter。主要用途是讓雇主瞭解

1. 你為什麼對這個職位感興趣

2. 為什麼公司要雇用你


因為履歷其實是你完整的資歷內容,但閱讀需要花時間,而cover letter主要的用處就是讓主管決定「要不要打開你的履歷來看」。如果你的cover letter內容寫的顛三倒四,或者和工作內容毫無關係,抱歉,在大家都要搶工作的狀況下,自然有比你更符合且更用心的候選人。因此,在撰寫cover letter前你要先想好的內容:

1. 這公司/職位和你有什麼關係,為什麼你想要應徵?

2. 你有什麼能力能說服公司雇用你的? →請詳看工作職缺上寫的職務內容,並挑出你認為對方最看重的、或是自己最符合的兩點來寫,不要寫的落落長


上面內容都想好的話就可以動筆了。基本上cover letter不要超過1頁A4,可以的話盡量在500字以內。那只是提供HR快速瞭解你的背景及特質,不需要把你的家世背景從小到大唸的學校做的專題甚至當什麼兵都報告一遍。華人在寫英文自傳一般最常見的開頭的就「你好,我叫xxx,來自高雄。父母對我的教養方式非常自由開放,因此我就到台北就讀大學」。如果你後面要寫的能力和你的父母沒有關係的話,基本上你從哪裡來、家裡有多少人這些內容,主管是不需要知道的,不用再寫了。







I possess strong communication and crisis management skill. When studying in college, I joined China Youth Corp (救國團) to support their summer camps across Taiwan.  Solving sudden crises and handling tremandous communication works are both inevitable when having events. Therefore I developed strong communication skill during my service in China Youth Corp, and always managed to solve all crises in a timely manner. I believe my skills well fit with the job requirements for your position.



因此整封cover letter的結構則為

1. 首段: 說明你想應徵的職位、簡單陳述為什麼你覺得你合適

2. 你的能力1: 說明你符合職務需求的能力,並與例子輔助

3. 你的能力2: 同上

4. 結尾: 總結你為何覺得你合適、為何想進這家公司,最後謝謝他們的考慮,希望能收到他們的來信

5. 署名: 記得放上你的名字和聯絡方式



Dear Recruiter,

I am writing to introduce myself and inquire about the openings of marketing executive. With four years of experience I have in PR and digital agencies, especially in serving my clients, Microsoft and Samsung, I have grown a strong project management and communication skill. Additionally, the experience also enables me to be a quick problem solver, effective communicator, and strategic thinker. I especially enjoy working and thriving in the fast-paced environment. I believe my past experience and my skill sets are perfect match with this position.

Having worked in PR and digital agencies for around 4 years, I have developed multiple skill sets and marketing acumen to cope with the fast-paced life in agencies. Working under pressure of facing several strict deadlines in the same time and tackling excessive work tasks timely, I learned to see team members’ needs before being asked, take work tasks autonomously before being assigned, prioritise work tasks, and to pay meticulous attention to details. When studying my master’s degree, I applied these skills to organise the scattering ideas posed by my team members into clear logic flow such as goals, long-term strategies, and short-term strategies. This clear logic flow helped us have coherent presentation and win the Google Chrome marketing consultancy project competition.

I am a good team player with strong leadership talent.  For marketing project of mine involving Xbox 360, the two other members in the team both enjoyed working with me. While I was focused on the outcome of the project, I truly supported my team members and wanted the team to succeed. As a senior account executive, although I often took challenging work assignments autonomously, I did pay attention to the sharing of workload, making sure that every team member was treated equally, and more importantly, was able to come up with new ideas and creative solutions. The manager of my team, Miss Arolin Chiu, once made a comment suggesting that I "deliver great supports beyond her expectation".

With the great understanding in marketing, the great overall ability I have, and my passion toward marketing, I believe I am a great candidate for this position. Thank you for considering my application. I am really looking forward to being part of the company.




tel: 0912345678




職缺:position / job vacancy

職務需求: job description

完成專案:implementing projects

人際技巧:inter-personal skill

溝通能力:communication skill


我只是簡單的寫一下,並沒有很深入。有什麼問題,歡迎留言給我 :) ....雖然說我並不是什麼強者,但有問題我可以的話都願意幫忙。



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