

Complete a tutorial 完成教學模式
2.One time solo artist (5G)
Completed a song (solo) 完成一首歌(solo)
3.First of Many (10G)
Complete a Gig (band or solo) 完成一場演奏(樂團或solo)
4.Stix (5G):Perform as a Drummer (Band or Solo) 用鼓手完成演奏 (樂團或solo)
5.Pick and Axe (5G)
Perform as a Guitarist (band or solo) 用吉他完成演奏(樂團或solo)
6.Yodeler (5G)
Perform as a Vocalist (band or solo) 用歌手完成演奏(樂團或solo)
7.Feeding the beast (5G)
Upload a song to GHTunes 上傳一首歌到GHTunes
8.Download junkie (5G)
Download a few songs from GHTunes GHTunes下載一些歌曲
9.A pair beats a pair (5G)
Complete an Xbox LIVE 2 v 2 Pro Face-off match (win or lose)
完成一場線上二對二Pro Face-off配對(不論輸贏)
10.Survival of the Fittest (5G)
Complete an Xbox Live Battle Mode match (win or lose)
完成一場線上Battle Mode配對(不論輸贏)
11.Mine is bigger than yours (5G)
Complete an Xbox LIVE Band vs Band match (win or lose)
12.One man Band (10G):Perform as every instrument at least once (vocals, lead bass, drums)
13.Should we stick together? (10G)
Complete a song in a band (4 player band)
14. 50 Note Posse (15G)
All band members get a 50 note streak at the same time
(4 Player Band)
15.Easy There (25G)
Complete a Career on easy (band or solo)
16.Solo Artist (25G)
Complete a solo career (any difficulty) 完成Solo的生涯(任何難度)
17.Band on a Mission (25G)
Complete the majority of Gigs (band or solo)
18.Bling, Bling (30G)
Earn $1,000,000 in lifetime earnings 生涯總共賺到100
19.Top of the Charts (30G)Complete a Band Career (any difficulty)
20.Medium Musician (30G)
Complete a Career on Medium (band or solo)
21.Solid Gold rockstars (30G)100% a song as a band (4 player band)
樂團一首歌達到100% (4人樂團)
22.Platinum rockstars (50G)
100% a song as a band, Hard or Expert difficulties only
(4 player band)
23.Hardcore (60G)
Complete a Career on hard (band or solo)
24.Hall of famer (100G)
Complete a Career on Expert (band or solo)
25.Jack of all trades (150G):Complete all instrument careers - any difficulty (band or solo)

26.Rock Maiden (5G)
You Created a female band member. 創造一個女性樂團成員
27.Warrior of Rock (5G)
You Created a male band member. 創造一個男性樂團成員
28.One Of A Kind Axe (5G)
You created your own custom guitar. 自己設計一把吉他
29.Custom Beats(5G):You created your own custom drums. 自己設計一組鼓
30.Pumpkin Smasher(10G):You rocked out asBilly Corgan. 用Billy Corgan演奏

31.The Dark Prince (10G)You rocked out as Ozzy Osbourne. Ozzy Osbourne演奏
32.The Experience (10G)You rocked out as Jimi Hendrix. Jimi Hendrix演奏
33.Leading Lady (10G)You rocked out as Hayley Williams. Hayley Williams演奏
34.Bad to the Bone (10G)You rocked out as the Skeleton. Skeleton演奏
35.Stamp Of Approval (5G)Created your own band logo. 設計自己樂團的logo
36.Wylde Man (10G)
You rocked out as Zakk Wylde. Zakk Wylde演奏
37.Motorcity Madman (10G)You rocked out as Ted Nugent. Ted Nugent演奏
38. 1.21 Jigowatts?!?! (15G)All band members activated star power at the same time.
所有的樂團成員同時發動Star Power
39.Guitarist's Coattails (10G)
Get the highest score in the band as the lead or bass guitar
(4 player band).
40.Vocalist's Coattails (10G)
You got the highest score in a band as the vocalist.
41.TOOL of Destruction (35G)
You scored 444,444 or more on the song Schism.
42.Heavy Metall (35G)
You scored 444,444 or more on the song Trapped Under Ice.
Trapped Under Ice這首歌曲拿到高於444,444的分數
43.Super Group Unite (15G)
You earned an 8x multiplier with the rest of the band at the
same time.
樂團所有的成員發動Star Power時,分數都乘以8
48.Mike Checka' (30G)You scored 123,450 or higher on the song Beat It as a Vocalist.
以主唱的身分在Beat It這首歌曲得到高於123,450的分數
49.Get Your Boogie On (30G)You scored 222,222 or higher on the song Satch Boogie as the
Lead Guitarist.
以首席吉他手的身分在Satch Boogie這首歌曲得到高於222,222的分數
50.Axe Museum (20G)
You unlocked all of the guitars. 解鎖所有的吉他


1.Learning the Ropes (5G)

44.Inked (5G)You created a custom tattoo. 自己設計一個刺青圖案
45.Shiny Metal Thingy (10G)You rocked out as the Rockubot. Rockubot演奏
46.Don't Blink (10G)You rocked out as Travis Barker. Travis Barker演奏
47.Muse to my Ears (30G)
You scored 222,222 or higher on the song Assassin as a Drummer.

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